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Frequently Asked Question & Answers

  • Is Brilliant Tutions registered business in U.A.E?
    Yes. We are registered as Brilliant Tutions LLC at Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, U.A.E.
  • Do you refund the fees if student is not satisficed with classes?
    Yes - We have No questions asked refund policy, if you want to stop classes with in 5 sessions.
  • How many students will be there per teacher / class ?
    There shall be only 3 students per class. All 3 students will be from same grade, but may be from various schools.
  • How many classes shall there per month ?
    CBSE Curriculum - Maths & Science : Grade 5 to 9 - 90 minutes per class, 5 days a week. CBSE Curriculum - Hindi or English : Grade 5 to 9 - 45minutes per class, 2 days a week. CBSE Curriculum - Maths or Science : Grade 10 - 60minutes per class, 5 days a week. ​ British Curriculum - Maths & Science : Grade 5 to 8 - 90 minutes per month, 5 days a week. British Curriculum - Maths : Grade 9 & 10 - 60minutes per class, 5 days a week. Physics & Chemistry : Grade 9 & 10 - 45minutes per class, Each 3 days a week. ​ For any other packages and grades not mentioned above please confirm the same with sales team.
  • What is payment schedule and how it is calculated?
    Subscription will be created and Fee will be collected every month automatically. However parents can suggest the date within the first week of the month, on which fee shall be collected. You can cancel subscription any time, but dropping a single message to our finance team. You will receive a payment for the first month fee as per the date of admission. However from second month subscription will be generated and link will be forwarded to you for payment. Fee is to be paid on the monthly basis (NOT on the basis of no. of classes or days attended).
  • What is payment schedule for students who took admission in middle of month?
    Subscription will be created and Fee will be collected every month automatically. However parents can suggest the date within the first week of the month, on which fee shall be collected. You can cancel subscription any time, but dropping a single message to our finance team. You will receive a payment for the first month fee as per the date of admission. However from second month subscription will be generated and link will be forwarded to you for payment. Fee is to be paid on the monthly basis (NOT on the basis of no. of classes or days attended).
  • Do you make up the class if teacher is absent for the class?
    For planned holidays, teacher shall let you know the days for which she will not be available and the details of make up classes. Incase of emergency holidays also teacher shall make up the class which she missed.
  • Do you make up the class if student is absent for the class?
    We cannot make up the class if student is absent either in case of planned holiday or in case of emergency holidays.
  • Can Fees be paid as per no of days student attend the classes by deducting the absent days?
    No. Fees shall be paid prior to starting of every month, there shall not be any refund / discount if student is absent for few classes in a month, as we are allocating only 3 student for particular teacher. Even if a student is absent for few days, your slot is dedicated for you and no other student shall join that class.
  • How do you calculate fee for the month of summer holidays, winter holidays or academic year end?
    If student wants to stop classes on or before 15th of that particular month 15 days fee will be charged. If student wants to stop classes on or after 16th of that particular month full month fee will be charged.
  • How can we contact management if we want to discuss concerns?
    Quality control shall be present in class, you can drop a message and request meeting with Head of Operations. Further to your request for meeting, our head of operation shall contact you personally.
  • Does students from India studying CBSE will there in class?
    No. There shall be students only from middle east countries only. ​
  • Can we select time / days of tuitions as per convenience of students?
    No. we don't have such options. After the demo please discuss and agree the time with our sales team. Tuition time is fixed along the week days. Also classes shall be from Monday to Friday only.

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